Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Photos on the Lawn

Michael came along and snapped some photos while we posed for the photographers on the Grand Valley campus.

"Did you feel that raindrop?"

The Reception and After

Krista reaches for her new husband from across the room...
for a passionate smooch!

Michael cleans up pretty well.
The reception was inside the museum... just beautiful.
Out on the dance floor with Aunt Greta, Nana and cousin Karin.
Mom displayed our bouquets at a brunch for her family from Canada the next morning.

The morning after... still smiling.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Pool Day with Lifelong Friends

In early July, we spent a fantastic afternoon with friends having fun at Char's parents' pool...

Elise was born April 24... Congratulations Char and Marc!
And I was blessed to be present for the birth of all of these beautiful kiddos:
Isabelle, Elise, Kendall and Grayson

Sara and Charlene... you make beautiful children.
Thanks for letting me be a part of it. :)