Monday, June 26, 2006

waves last week

checking out the waves after a thunderstorm last week

what are those crazy people doing out there???
this is Jacob's preferred wave-watching spot... the pier freaks him out a little bit

Thursday, June 22, 2006

beachin' it

the kids had a great time at the beach on Tuesday with our little friend, Olyvia

"look how far out I can go!"
"sand angels"

Jacob burying Olyvia, and Micah, himself

literally rolling in the sand

in the water

Monday, June 19, 2006

fun in the sun

it was a great day outside... these are the days that we do love Michigan!

super soaker!

strawberries from the garden


Sunday, June 18, 2006

happy father's day!

What a great dad...
we love you so much for ALL that you do!

big boys


Jacob, all ready for golf camp last week
looking so good with his new haircut!

the field

we look just like them, eh?

Micah's purchase at the Sue Store... and he loves it!

poster for the King Tut exhibit, the reason we came

it's the first time these relics have been in the US since they last had an exhibit here at the Field in 1977

good times in the bus on the way home

Friday, June 16, 2006


a few of our adventures there...

it's Sue!

play time

Micah had a great time playing with his buddy, Olyvia, this week... they have so much fun together.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

and after...

what a "big kid"!

the big day...

as promised, Jacob let me give him a "summer" do... a HUGE haircut!

here are a few before and during...

triumphant return!

our little world traveler, Jacob, came back from Alaska Sunday night, bearing gifts...
checking out the loot

he's back!

Micah was pretty excited about his gifts... a train t-shirt and a DVD about Alaskan animals

Monday, June 12, 2006

my guys

the boys, getting ready for a bike ride to Imagination Station


micah's new kite

while Jacob was in Alaska, we kept Micah occupied with some fun activities...

a windy day at the beach was perfect for flying his new kite!

big smiles!

a walk on the pier

a sunny evening a couple of weeks ago, a walk on the pier... and climbing on "the rocks" of course.

Jacob, reading the sign for Micah