Thursday, June 22, 2006

beachin' it

the kids had a great time at the beach on Tuesday with our little friend, Olyvia

"look how far out I can go!"
"sand angels"

Jacob burying Olyvia, and Micah, himself

literally rolling in the sand

in the water

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

Hey Tash,

It looks so beautiful in Grand Haven. Jeff and I look wistfully at the pictures. We wish we were there on the beach, hanging out. It´s been a little like fourth of July around here, though. We´ve been celebrating the cannonization of the Saint of Gualaceo. We watched the Reina come down the river in a boat last night, complete with floating candles. There were some terrifying fireworks. (You don´t have to keep the same distance from the fireworks here and I was certain that someone was going to burn to death!) Today, we marched in a parade with most of the public institutions in Gualaceo. We marched with the Montessori preschool we volunteer with. Talk about good propaganda. Good thing most people were watching the Ecuador vs. England soccer game! Can´t wait to see you in August for some beach time!

Love you, Em and Jeff