Monday, July 17, 2006

long time, no see!

the boys and I hung out with my long-lost friend, Kim, and got to meet her little girl, Olivia, for the first time!

yes, Vermont is very far away...

Olivia fell in love with the waves!
she had a ball letting them wash right over her

we'll miss you, Kim!


Tobias Arthur said...

OOOH! I´m so jealous! First of all, I can´t believe you got to hang out with Kimmie and Olivia. Second of all, I´m wearing long underwear over here. It´s freezing! I would give anything for a day at the beach...only two more weeks and I´ll be in Grand Haven, with Jeff, who is dying to meet you and Micheal and the kiddos. I can´t wait to see you! I miss you incredibly!
Love, Em (and Jeff too)

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun!! I am so sorry Lily and I missed it :( Hopefully next time!
