Monday, July 07, 2008

Training Schedules

I've been mulling over various training schedules today, looking for the one best suited to my abilities and my life. In reality, I'll probably end up using a combination of the 4 I liked the best. It's amazing the differences from one to the next... some include 4 days of running and 3 days of resting or cross-training, others will have me running at least 6 days a week. I could run anywhere from about 30 to more than 60 miles per week. Most of them include special workouts: hills, intervals, fartleks (I'm not kidding), tempo runs... my favorite: "easy" runs. Each of them culminates 14 weeks from now, on October 12. Race Day.

I was not able to finish any of the suggested runs for today, and I'm feeling a bit disheartened by the fact that my right calf and shin are bothering me. I ran 1 mile this morning before the thunderstorm rolled in, and I tried to salvage the day with 5 miles while the boys were at storytime tonight, but only managed about 3. I couldn't shake the nagging pain. I've worked hard to avoid injury, and have been successful this far. I hope it's nothing serious, but I'm taking the advice any long-time runner will give: rest. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully elevation, ibuprofen, and stretching will do the trick.

Here is a fascinating video I found. Gives me goosebumps.

Oh, I've added this month's goal progress... going for 150 miles again!

1 comment:

Rick VanGameren said...

Thanks for the video. Great inspiration!

"You triumph over the adversity, that's what the marathon is about. And therefore you know there isn't anything in life that you can't triumph over after that."

"When you cross that finish line, .... it will change your life forever."

So, no matter what race is set before us - equipping ourselves to run the race will prepare for the next races.

Heal well. Stay injury free.

Rick VG