Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beautiful Day.

If a bit chilly.

Tuesday update: This is the perfect day, and so welcome after the wetness and gloom of the weekend. It was a little chilly, in the low 40's, this morning, but it was creeping up into the 50's as I left the house for a run. And the sun is out! That makes everything seem better. I hope to make it back to the boardwalk this afternoon and snap a few pictures of the sights and scenes I pass every day on my run.

Overall, it felt good. 9 miles. I tried to push my pace a bit on miles 3,5 and 7. It felt good, but I am reminded that I probably won't be able to keep up that kind of speed for 26 miles. I don't want to go out too fast for the race, but I don't want to underestimate my potential either. Hopefully I'll be able to settle into a comfortable race pace once I get going on Race Day. So much to think about...

Until later!

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